January 2015
900 sqft of lawn was replaced with a seasonal stream bed, winding path & perennial habitat garden. This garden is watered by hand in the dry season.

February 2019
900 sqft of typical tropical plants & gravel were replaced in favor of native plants that are mostly elegant & evergreen.
November 2019
Over 2,000 sqft of lawn, gravel, palms, oleander, & other non-native plants were mostly replaced with various California native plants & cultivars.

November 2019
Around 2,500 sqft of lawn, palms, & other non-native plants were mostly replaced with various California native plants & cultivars via a rebate from SoCal Water$mart.
October 2019
Over 1,600 sqft of lawn, palms, iceplant, & other non-native plants were mostly replaced with various California native plants & cultivars via a rebate from SoCal Water$mart.

December 2020
Over 1,300 sqft of lawn & non-native plants were replaced with various California native plants & cultivars via a rebate from SoCal Water$mart.
February 2021
Around 550 sqft of gravel & landscape fabric were replaced with various California native plants & cultivars with emphasis on neat, flowering groundcover.

April 2021
Over 850 sqft of lawn & non-native plants were replaced with various California native plants & cultivars.
June 2021
Over 1,150 sqft of lawn & non-native plants were replaced with various California native plants & cultivars via a rebate from SoCal Water$mart.

May 2022
Over 1,000 sqft of lawn & a tree were replaced with various California native plants & cultivars via a rebate from SoCal Water$mart.
December 2022
Over 750 sqft of lawn & non-native plants were replaced with various California native plants & cultivars via a rebate from SoCal Water$mart.