Cleveland Sage
Salvia clevelandii
3-4' tall / 4-8' wide

Cleveland Sage is a medium sized, evergreen shrub that grows moderately fast and is very drought tolerant. The leaves are usually gray green and the smell is very musky. The blooms are a deep purple and emerge in the late summer once most other sages are already dormant. Careful not to over water Cleveland Sage.
In the garden, these are used for slope stabilization and pollinator attraction. They are a bit more scrubby and Western looking. Great for that drought tolerant, arid landscape design. Use it somewhere you can enjoy the smell, so, near a gate or along a pathway (don’t plant too close to a pathway, you’ll have to cut it often if you do). I like to hedge trim this plant in the fall, after the flowers have gone to seed. Leave the seed pods on the ground if you want the birds to eat them.