Woolly Bluecurls
Trichostema lanatum
3-6' tall / 3-6' wide

Woolly Bluecurls is a medium shrub with deep green leaves that are narrow, glossy and smell like grape soda. This plant is incredible and loved by CA native plant enthusiasts and your average Joe. Not often found in the wild and doesn't propagate by seed very well. This plant does like full sun, fast drainage with consistent watering for promoting moderate growth and prolific blooms. Speaking of, the blooms are soft, fuzzy, deep purple, and loved by bees and hummingbirds.
In the garden, this plant is used on gentle slopes in both pollinator and formal gardens. It is drought tolerant, but looks so much better with weekly water. If you grow this, your neighbors will ask about it, then try to grow it, and probably kill it. While this plant isn't as difficult as most people think, it definitely isn't considered easy or carefree. Be sure to weed often, give ample space for it to spread out, and dead head monthly to keep it pampered. Rather than hedge trimming, we typically just use hand pruners.