Engelmann Oak
Quercus engelmannii
30-60' tall / 30-90' wide

Engelmann Oak is a stunning, evergreen tree with bluish, gray green oval leaves. It is known to go semi-deciduous in the warmer months when there is drought, but the leaves should spring back after first rains. Engelmann Oaks are said to like summer monsoon rains, so a few deep summer soaks are suggested, but be aware they are also susceptible to Mold from highly saturated roots. This under-rated and under utilized plant only grows in Southern California, so it should be more widely used in our landscapes. Despite what most people think of Oak trees, the growth rate is moderate rather than slow, assuming you give it consistent water.
We try to get these plants in every install. They create a very elegant, natural shape, but do require some removing of branches for better air flow. Beware not to prune too much. When the plant is young, beware not to completely remove the lowest branches. The young tree uses the low branches as a balancing support system. Best to let this grow as a screening tree/shrub for the first 5-10 years.